PTA's Legislative Purpose


The PTA mission is to support and speak on behalf of children and youth in schools, in the community and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children, and to encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of our nation.  The goal of the PTA Legislative chair is to inform the local PTA as to local, district, state and national legislative issues of importance to children; to motivate members to take action on issues of importance to children; to communicate to the IL PTA any concerns or requests from the local PTA; and to advocate to local, state and federal legislative decision-makers on issues of importance to children.


National and Illinois PTA have official positions, called Resolutions, on many issues affecting children and education.  Local PTAs are free to form their own locally oriented Resolutions, as long as they do not conflict with the National and Illinois PTA Resolutions.  PTA encourages its members to advocate for children to their elected representatives on issues of importance to children.




For MEMBERSHIP to review before the May General Membership Meeting 

Updated Pleasant Hill PTA Bylaws

Updated Pleasant Hill Standing Rules




Local Level
Pleasant Hill PTA Bylaws
Pleasant Hill PTA Standing Rules

District 15

State Level

National Level
National PTA Legislation Alerts
National PTA Take Action Network
National PTA Policy Issue Briefs

Voter Registration Information
Suburban Cook County Voter Registration
How to Register to Vote


Elected Officials

Community Consolidated District 15 School Board

Palatine Township

Village of Palatine